Active Layers

Opacity : 50%

Food Access

Farmers Markets

Housing Data

Public Housing Inspection Scores
Median Home Value (2011-2015)
No Data - 20800
20800 - 78500
78500 - 124500
124500 - 192100
192100 - 332100
332100 - 552000
Median Year Built for Housing (2011-2015)
Foreclosure Percentage

Postal Service Vacant Data

Residential Vacancy
Commercial Vacancy

Demographic Data

Population Density (2011-2015)
Percent African American (2011-2015)
Percent Asian (2011-2015)
Percent Hispanic (2011-2015)
Percent 65 and Older (2011-2015)
Percent Below Poverty (2011-2015)
Percent Children in Poverty (2011-2015)
Median Household Income (2011-2015)
Percent Single Female Headed Households with Children (2011-2015)
Percent Linguistic Isolation (2011-2015)